I Don’t Have To Know

The author, Elizabeth Gilbert, sometime ago wrote on her blog an article about not knowing: not knowing why bad things happen. I have given that so much thought. I am often in deep connection with divinity and ask the same questions: "Why does this happen to some folks? Why do some people die so young? Why this? Why that?"

I am returned with the unknown of echoes from the Universe. I don't have to know. And, when things happen in my own life that rattle and shake and shatter pieces of me I ask in the silence of prayer: "Okay, God, what's the meaning of this lesson?" Most of the time I intuitively know the answer to be "just because it's part of my evolution." But, this is in my case.

I don't know why a mother must lose her child so young. I don't know why some people have to die in massacres that destroy our faith in humanity. I can’t understand what’s happening to our Earth. I don't really know why so many are stricken with grief and fear while others seem to have it easier. It's not for me to know. I can only focus on what I see and that alone has little control.

Our lives are strings of knowing and not knowing; of accepting and growing; and of letting go to what is our humanness. This life at times is blindsided, full of short vision, and it isn't until something tragic happens that we gather together in faith. I don't believe God allows for this. I don't believe that there is a puppet in the sky (in no religion) that determines who gets what. I don't believe that what happens in another time is paid here although sometimes I fantasize that this would be an easy answer.

Most of us journey through our days trying to remember things while others are trying to forget horrific events. Some of us spend countless hours running towards a goal to better our lives while others are running away from the past. It's a matter of picking and choosing what thought you will give energy to at any given time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all during these times of massive energetic shifts. I was getting a pedicure today and witnessed on one screen a massive storm in Vietnam and on another television, Hurricane Ian's formation. I closed my eyes and said prayers. Mother Earth is truly experiencing incredible releases. We are being affected by the earth and by our own actions.

As I have mentioned that I don't know the answers to why things happen, I do know one: love is the binding force to humanity. Love is the thread that ties every belief and religion. Love is the hand that embraces us through Spirit. Love is God. It’s the universal language. As we get impacted with the weather or human experiences, let's remember that together we can do so much more than alone. We have so much to still learn in order to get to where we need to be on the vibrational pole.

May you choose the right question and answers that enlighten your path. Ultimately, you know exactly what you need to know.

I love you,


Millie America4 Comments