Sacred Journey Inward

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Integrating Self Healing

I am slowly integrating into social media. I still cannot get on FB and I am sure it will be a while. Facebook has a harsh energy.  As an observation, it allows folks to mostly use the forum as a place of complaining. 

I have been writing a lot which always follows the magic of non-avoidance. Leaving social media means I read more. I meditate more. I spend more time in silence. I ask the deep questions that I cannot find on Google. I get the answers through synchronicities, serendipities and mysticism. 

I am playing. I am laughing. I am crying. I am just being. 

There is a process in spending time alone, especially for those who do too much. Family and work take a large chunk out of our daily lives. But when we do make time for the silence the things we avoid come up. The experiences we repress show up through other people’s triggers. We slowly begin to witness the need and desire for healing. 

It’s truly magnificent! 

As I take these breaks I become aware of how my ego likes to keep me busy: analyzing and correcting past experiences; judging myself and criticizing old behavior; comparing and contrasting others around me. I marvel at how quiet it starts to get once I release the control of ego’s power. Usually I end up getting sick. This time has been with severe back issues. And when I begin to address the hidden messages I find myself starting to heal. 

I hit the yoga mat. I try and spend time outdoors in spite of the cold weather. I sit without judgment. 

The body stores all our answers. We just need to pay attention. We need to get quiet enough to really listen to the messages. We open up to love. We accept our own imperfections. We forgive...ourselves and others. 

I get to travel down the rabbit hole of consciousness and divine wisdom. It’s definitely a sacred journey. 

What are the things that you are doing for healing? Are you answering the calls for rest and recess? Are you taking time for your soul to do things it desires? Are you playing? Are you able to experience the void without fixating on filling it up?